+ 880 1617723517


Duis cursus tortor. Nunc consectetuer diam ac odio. Pellentesque vel mauris sit amet urna malesuada ornare.Curabitur venenatis est eget arcu consectetue.


Nunc viverra tortor. Integer sem nisi, adipiscing non, sagittis eget, hendrerit non, nisi. Aliquam ante. Nam magna. Nulla adipiscing porta ante vestibulum.


Duis cursus tortor. Nunc consectetuer diam ac odio. Pellentesque vel mauris sit amet urna malesuada.


Contact IDEA to find out how we can help you achieve your association or event goals. We would be happy to work with you to find the association and event services you need at a great price!

Contact any of the following at +880 1617723517, send an e-mail to Idea Business Development or complete the form below (fields marked with * are required).



Contact Information:

Lake Circus, Kalabagan, Dhanmondi, Dhaka 1205

Mehdibag, Chittagong 4000

Phone: (+88) 01617723517
Fax: (+88)00000000
Website: www.idea-bd.net
Email: info@idea-bd.net
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